What is PQMS

PQMS is a modular software suite streamlining quality processes in pharma, biotech, food & cosmetic industries. It consist of 5 modules that address QMS, qualification, process management, cleaning validation & Logs.

  • eLog Pro

    eLog Pro

    ログデータのキャプチャ、保存、検索方法を革新するデジタルログブックソリューションです。Logbook Proは…

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  • eResidue Pro

    eResidue Pro


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  • eProcess Pro

    eProcess Pro


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  • ValDoc Pro

    ValDoc Pro


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  • QMS Pro

    QMS Pro

    PQMSスイートの中核を成す包括的な品質管理システムです。QMS Proは、不適合、是正および予防措置(CAP…

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Effortless Compliance, Streamlined Processes, Assured Success.

Integrate seamlessly quality, validation, process control, cleaning, and log records to achieve total compliance and operational excellence.

Embrace the Digital Era, Unleash Efficiency through Digitalization

Say goodbye to paper-based systems. PQMS digitizes your quality processes, enabling real-time data entry, electronic approvals, and seamless collaboration. Go paperless, go efficient.

Unlock the Power of Data-Driven Insights.

Harness the power of data with PQMS. Gain valuable insights through powerful data analysis tools, track key metrics, and generate comprehensive reports. Make data-driven decisions.

Modular Design, Tailored to Your Needs.

Start with the modules that address your most pressing needs and expand as your requirements evolve. With its flexible architecture, you can tailor the system to fit your organization’s unique processes and goals.

Simplifying Compliance,
One step at a time

Quascenta started on a digitalization journey in 2001, when digitalization was still not a buzzword. Find out why each of our applications are unique, unlike any other in the market.