Why eLog Pro?

Quascenta's eLog Pro is a operator friendly software solution that revolutionizes the way pharmaceutical facilities manage essential GMP activities. By replacing traditional paper-based log records with a streamlined digital platform, eLog Pro enables efficient data capture, immediate analysis, and effortless compliance.
Why eLog Pro?

Streamlined Data Capture

Say goodbye to the hassles of paper-based records with eLog Pro’s intuitive interface:

  • Direct Data Entry: Capture log data directly into the system, eliminating manual transcription errors
  • Mobile Device Support: Record events and observations on-the-go using mobile devices
  • Multi-User Access: Enable multiple users to contribute to log records simultaneously

Enhanced Visibility & Collaboration

Gain full visibility into your GMP activities and foster seamless collaboration among teams:

  • Real-Time Access: Access log records instantly from anywhere, anytime
  • Centralized Repository: Maintain a single source of truth for all log data
  • Improved Coordination: Facilitate effective communication and coordination among personnel

Powerful Data Analysis & Insights

Leverage the power of data to drive proactive decision-making and continuous improvement:

  • Pattern Identification: Uncover trends and patterns in log data, such as equipment malfunction frequency
  • Root Cause Analysis: Conduct thorough investigations to identify the underlying causes of issues
  • Actionable Insights: Make data-driven decisions to optimize maintenance strategies and enhance operations

Compliance Simplified

Ensure audit-readiness and meet regulatory requirements with ease:

  • Audit Trails: Maintain complete and accurate audit trails for all log entries and modifications
  • Electronic Signatures: Implement electronic signatures to ensure data integrity and authenticity
  • Secure Data Storage: Rely on automated cloud backups to safeguard your log data

Quick Deployment & Adoption

Get up and running with eLog Pro in no time:

  • Rapid Implementation: Deploy eLog Pro within 2-3 weeks and start realizing benefits quickly
  • User-Friendly Interface: Empower teams with an intuitive interface that minimizes training requirements
  • Customizable Workflows: Tailor eLog Pro to align with your specific GMP processes and requirements

Cost-Effective Solution

Achieve a quick return on investment (ROI) with eLog Pro’s cost-saving features:

  • Reduced Paper Costs: Eliminate expenses associated with printing and storing paper records
  • Increased Productivity: Boost efficiency by streamlining data entry and minimizing re-work
  • Time Savings: Capture events with a click of a button, saving valuable time and resources

Transform your GMP activity management with Quascenta’s eLog Pro. Say goodbye to the limitations of paper-based records and embrace a digital future of efficiency, visibility, and compliance.  Request a demo to experience the power of eLog Pro firsthand and discover how it can revolutionize your GMP log management processes!